Miracles, Healings, Goosebumps

1) Do you believe that Supernatural Miracles … in its truest sense, • still happen today, whether on a personal level, • … and if so, would it happen .. because God has endowed an earthly individual • (such as there were .. in the bible days of the Tanach, ..prophets) • .. with the “Gift of Miracles, or –of ...

Prayer, and a number of other things.

Shalom Rabbi I have been a Noahide for just over five months now. I feel as though I have found my calling and it feels as natural as breathing. I am also so glad that the Noahide World Center exists. I have so many questions, which I am excited to have answered at your earliest convenience. Question One: Prayer 1. Should I recite ...

prayer book

Shalom Rabbi, I am trying to B.H” start having classes to promote the Noahide life, but I am in need of prayer books. I do not see a link to a online store at your site, is this something that you are working on and meanwhile where would I be able to purchase and if there is more than ...

Reading “Christian” texts

I see a big difference between the Christian Scriptures (I do not want to use the term “New Testament” except to clarify that it is a misleading title for the collection of books I am refering to) and what the majority of churches teach. In addition I see major differences between the Aramaic Christian texts and the Greek (just ...

noahide laws

Could you please give Torah references for the inception of the noahide laws. If this is not a Torah teaching;(1) What about the mixed multitude that went up from Mitzraim with Israel and became part of Israel when they stood “under the mountain” (2)Why is this a modern day teaching for that same ...

Chabad -Tanya

I like reading Tanya, and Chabad articles, books like Path of the Just, The Way of God, Kabbalah. What is the view of these books, dictrines, by Noahide World Center? Name:BethelEmail:Mbsnava@yahoo.comDetails: ...

Acepting the Noachide Creed

My father was Jewish and my mother “converted” in 1963 through the Jewish Theological Seminary (Conservative), which now ordains homosexual men, lesbians, and other whackos. If I wanted to “join” the Noachides, would I swear in front of a beis din that I don’t accept yuska, etc. etc. ? Name:Jay LandauEmail:landaujay@gmail.comDetails: ...


Why is paternity in Noahides not fully recognized? I read that because of abovementioned a Noahide may marry his paternal half-sister Name:PierreEmail:pjwlouw@gmail.comDetails:I am a South African Noahide ...


How can I complete repentance when someone won’t respond to my request for forgiveness? Name:Donald JanéEmail:Effluxmind@hotmail.comDetails:Some years ago HaShem showed me the error of my ways, I was a Christian. I approached each of my family members to request their forgiveness for having lead them astray. Three of my seven children forgave me, four and my wife ...


what is the main conept of the noahides Name:NameEmail:QEmailDetails: ...