Was the Flood Real?

Q: Did the Flood ever occur in history? Q: Did the Flood (Mabul) ever occur in history? Was it a real event or just a metaphor/parable? According to an article on this website, the tale of Creation in Bereishit is not a scientific-historical narration, but a parable meant to teach spiritual truths. So can we say the same ...

Bible Criticism

Q: Why do Orthodox Jews generally reject Bible criticism?   Q: Shalom Rabbi Oury Cherki, As far as I know, Orthodox Jews generally reject the results of both Higher and Lower criticism of the Bible (as was developed by German scholars). My question is: Do the Jews reject the criticism because they don’t share the same basic assumptions ...

Cain’s Soul

Q: What happened to the souls of Cain and his descendants? Do they still live? Q: Shalom Rabbi, I would like to know: What happened to the souls of Cain and his descendants? Do they still live? What about the promise of revenge G-d gave to Cain? Did this pledge also extend to his descendants? Was it ...

Ruth and Orpah

Q: Did Ruth and Orpah convert to Judaism before marrying Naomi’s sons? Was Naomi allowed to send Orpah back to Moab? Q: In Darash Moshe, Vol. II (a selection of sermons by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein) he comments on Parashat Vayigash (Ber.47:8,9) (see page 80,81). He explains the difference between Yitzchak and Yaacov, and that Yaacov never had ...