A change somebody’s name for a name taken from Tanakh

Question: Does something change is Ben Noah life if he changes his name for a name taken from Tanakh? Answer of Rav Cherki: This is a very nice deed which influence on a person. But it is not obligation. Answer of Rav Hollander: Maimonides writes that sincerely repenting person (baal-tshuva) becomes another individual. A person has his own self-identity and his name is its part. ...

Why sick children are born?

Question: I work in a mental hospital. And I want to know – why such sick children are born? Answer of Rav Cherki: The birth of sick children can be for a follow reasons: For their parents sins; Correction of what happened in their past life; To give their parents and to all society an opportunity to care and show mercy on them; Another reasons that we ...

Increased responsibility when a person declare himself as a Ben Noah

Question If we bear witness before Beth Din that we accept upon ourselves the observation Seven Commandments, than from such a minute our responsibility for their transgression increase a lot. If we are in a state of ignorance, without clearly formulated Commandments, we can make a serious violation of Commandments. For example, I am a store administrator. Workday ends at ...