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A Hebrew Name


I have a question about a Hebrew name. Is a Noahide who followed the 7 laws of Noah can change his/her name from x-tian name into a Hebrew name?

Name:Gemeniano Sinahon
Details:Is it possible to change his/her name into a Hebrew name because of their changing belief from foreign belief into following Sheva Mitzvot B’nei Noah.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Sarah basson
    28.11.2021 at 00:22

    Shalom . My son 35 years. Very negative . Person. More like he got narsism ego. Think he van do beter then G d. But he get no were he clever and teach him self programing because we did mot haf the money to send him go and study. He always at home and always find some problem with humans he got 2 friends but women think he is freaky. Because hebtall and thin. He name in the hebrew kabbala. Descripe him just the way he is. And say he need a balance name to change. . . So maybe we
    Can change it to
    Gidon . Is that a balance name

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