Prohibition of blasphemy

Question: The prohibition to curse the Name of Most High – this is what was mentioned in Exodus 20,7: «  «Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain»? Or is it another commandment? Answer: These two commandments are not the same thing. According the ...

The adoption the Pledge and the Share in the Hereafter

Question: Is it an obligatory to accept the Pledge before the Jewish court to have a share in the Hereafter? The answer of Rav Hollander: According to Maimonides, The Ben Noah, who accepted upon him the Seven Commandments, – in accordance with the Jewish tradition, has a share in the Hereafter. The importance of the Pledge is that the public declaration leaves a ...

The punishment for breaking the Seven Commandments of Bhei Noahs

Question: What punishment is for those who breaks the Seven Commandments? (Vladimir Peretc, Irshava). Answer: This is a very difficult question. It is often to hear that ‘for transgression any of the Seven Commandments there can be the death penalty’, but it is not an adequate answer. It is an answer in the such a sense that, for example, according the Torah, for ...

A change somebody’s name for a name taken from Tanakh

Question: Does something change is Ben Noah life if he changes his name for a name taken from Tanakh? Answer of Rav Cherki: This is a very nice deed which influence on a person. But it is not obligation. Answer of Rav Hollander: Maimonides writes that sincerely repenting person (baal-tshuva) becomes another individual. A person has his own self-identity and his name is its part. ...

Why sick children are born?

Question: I work in a mental hospital. And I want to know – why such sick children are born? Answer of Rav Cherki: The birth of sick children can be for a follow reasons: For their parents sins; Correction of what happened in their past life; To give their parents and to all society an opportunity to care and show mercy on them; Another reasons that we ...

Spiritual names for noahides

Shalom, I would like to know if it is ok for a Noahide to use a hebrew name for spiritual reasons. kind regards Name:MarcEmail:mschwachhofer@yahoo.comDetails:My name is Marc, which hebrew names would be appropriate and how could one chose one if a noahide is alowed to use one. ...

Noahide Religion

Do Noahides have a religion? Do they have holy days, ceremonies, rituals and siddurs? Name:Len ManskyEmail:len613@verizon.netDetails:This is the main question gentiles ask. They feel lost when they discard the pomp and practice they are familiar with for an intellectual idea. The say they need such to connect with Hashem. ...


I made a vow that someone else against my wishes and without my consent caused to be broken. How does this effect my vow? Thank you in advance for answering my question, this has been a concern of mine for over three years now. Name:rohnda l Details: ...

Can someone say God has a body?

My brother David, claims God told him in his head, he is a cloud person. When I asked my brother how an infinite God can have a body, he claims this insults God. My brother also claims Scripture is corrupt, and the voices in his head tell the truth about God. Does he really talk to God, or does ...

A Hebrew Name

Shalom, I have a question about a Hebrew name. Is a Noahide who followed the 7 laws of Noah can change his/her name from x-tian name into a Hebrew name? Name:Gemeniano SinahonEmail:gemeniano_sinahon@yahoo.comDetails:Is it possible to change his/her name into a Hebrew name because of their changing belief from foreign belief into following Sheva Mitzvot ...